Associates is our pre-professional line, with a 100% success rate. Graduating students go on to enter world renowned vocational schools or graduate programmes as well as win Gold and Silver in international dance competitions.
Take a look at some of our graduates
Ages 8 - 11 years. Hours - 3 hours per week increasing with age.
Please note all ages are a guideline and placement into a group will be determined by the level shown of the dancer.
The Junior Associates progam includes :-
intensive fundamental ballet training following British ballet methods.
Progressing Ballet Technique. A specialised stretching class within a safe environment.
An annual performance in a theater in Stockholm with the other Associates levels.
The opportunity to work alongside a professional choreographer and be involved in the process of creating new ballet works.
Workshops with guest teachers from world renowned institutions and companies.

Ages 12 - 14 years. Hours - 6 hours per week plus additional workshops.
Please note all ages are a guideline and placement into a group will be determined by the level shown of the dancer.
The Mid Associates progam includes :-
Intensive fundamental ballet training following British ballet methods.
Progressing Ballet Technique. A specialised stretching class within a safe environment.
Character & Folk dance
A bespoke fitness regime designed by trainers from The Swedish Olympic Committee.
An annual performance in a theater in Stockholm with the other Associates levels.
The opportunity to work alongside a professional choreographer and be involved in the process of creating new ballet works.
Workshops with guest teachers from world renowned institutions and companies.

Ages 15 - 19 years old.
Please note all ages are a guideline and placement into a group will be determined by the level shown of the dancer.
The Senior Associate level includes:-
Intensive fundamental and ballet training following British ballet methods.
Pointe work.
Progressing Ballet Technique.
A bespoke fitness regime designed by trainers from The Swedish Olympic Committee.
Mindfulness workshops.
Nutrition workshops.
Annual performance in a theatre in Stockholm with all other Associate levels.
Workshops with guest teachers from world renowned institutions and companies.
Neo-classical training.
Modern training.
Improv training.
The opportunity to working alongside professional choreographers and be involved in the creative process.
Individual mentoring and guidance for future goals.
Development of audition materials.
In-house professional pointe shoe fitter.
Theatre visits to The Royal Opera House.
To assist in setting up the student with a strong technique for their future goals.
Teach awareness of the importance of co-ordination, musicality and breath when dancing.
To support students in their individuality and self-confidence.
”Private coaching within a group setting”.
•Has trained in ballet at least 4 times per week.
•Future goals of becoming a professional dancer.
•Basic level of pointe work experience. (Where applicable).
•Audition applies.
•Training can be undertaken alongside students regular academic studies.
•Each student is seen as an individual with their own individual needs according to their ability. With the possiblity of part time associate training.
•Building up of self-confidence, and emphasis placed on mindfulness.
•Individual strengthening exercises through PBT (Progressing Ballet Technique).
•Advice and support in preparation for
future life in professional companies.
•Advice on pointe shoe fitting.
•The building up of a strong technique equips students with a sound platform for the future.
•Guaranteed access to all International Ballet School Intensive courses.